(holy shit, this is a long post...good luck...)
I am so excited I am bouncing up and down in my chair!!
Guess what I just did.
Just guess!
I purchased season ski passes for myself, my husband, and his 11 year old.
I am a little bit euphoric.
If you've been reading long, you'll know that I have only skied a few times in my life and have not always had the greatest luck *cough* out of control down the mountain nearly died *cough* so this will give me a chance to practice!!!
It will also give me an excuse to go shopping for ski clothes.
I discovered that if you're local and you buy early and if you're a student you get pretty fantastic discounts.
And look at that--my education's paying off already!
Not to mention I have no classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays so those are pretty much Ski Days.
Let's forget the fact that I am
of driving up the mountain in snowy conditions.
Turns my heart into a delicate southern woman in summer is what that thought does!
(makes my heart have fainting spells...get it? snort)
I am so fucking excited I can hardly stand it.
Hurry up and snow, already!!!!
Stupid September.
We'll probably take the twinners up for a lesson or two and just see how that goes this year...I can just see them refusing to put the skis on or refusing to go back after one day...stubborn little devils, they are.
But soccer starts on Saturday and this time they're both playing.
Did I tell you how Twin A came to Twin B's games in the spring and was a total backseat driver?
It was hilarious.
So I was not at all surprised when I asked him if he wanted to play this time and he said, "Yeah! Then I'll go out there and chase the ball EVERY TIME." He was practically grumbling, "I'll show him!"
Twin A also wants to take karate, and there's a good little Kung Fu class that I keep meaning to take him to, but it's year-round, open enrollment so I keep putting it off.
Gotta give this girl a fucking deadline, man!
I am on a high from all the organizing and phone calls and motherfucking PRODUCTIVITY.
God, I love it.
I got to go see my dear friend at the hospital and that baby is the tiniest (8 pound) little precious doll on the planet!
You always forget how tiny they start out, don't you?
And she confirmed that yes indeed she did fall in love with him in precisely the manner I had described.
You know....so dreamy...their every blink, yawn and stretch just captivates you, and you can truly spend countless happy minutes marvelling over each finger, each perfect little TOE!!
Oh, oh.
If only I could guarantee a MILD MANNERED daughter I would be all over that.
But since my boys are about as much to manage as 12.4 normal kids, I think I'll just thank my begeebus-scared stars that there are not more than 2 of them!
Dear little fellas that they are...
As we walked from the school to the car today, they were cheerfully chattering away to me, each one having grabbed one of my hands without any prompting, and I was savoring the moment and then--totally un-fucking-provoked--Twin B brought the arm holding his jacket and backpack around in front of me to smack his brother.
I caught this mom-of-an-exasperation-inducing-redhead-girl's eye just as Twin B said without a trace of guile, "I had to hit a bee." I'd say it even bordered on both smug and gleeful.
She grimaced back at me, knowingly, and I said, "He had to hit a bee," rolled my eyes, "Suuuure."
It's on days like this that I think--
Life is far too grand, and would be even better if only I had also stopped at the media big box store and replaced my long missing Throwing Copper CD.
And then I wink at you and say, "Oh, but I DID do that!!"
It feels like coming home, in a way.
That was the very first CD I listened to and loved every single song on it.
Blood Sugar Sex Magik was the first tape I loved every single song of...
and Paula Abdul's CD...um...Spellbound? Something like that was my first CD purchased.
It had Rush, Rush on it and that one line, "Even when you're right next to me you're still too faaaaar away, if I'm not inside your arms."
God, I loved that line.
It gave me shivers.
Because isn't that just the way to describe love in its lusty stage?
Yes, I'm in a good mood today.
My favorite, sneaky backway to school is having construction, making a breezy little drive along the northern part of the western belt route a congested, ugly mess.
I've taken to the surface roads and there is peace.
No one else takes Redwood because it's the slowest of the 4 main choices for north-south movement in this strip mall of a state.
Bangerter has lights, but they're widely spaced and the speed limit is high.
I-15 is for chumps, because that's the most widely travelled path.
And 215 was my Savior until they had to go and tear the thing up.
I used to glide onto that little fella and pour out into city traffic, skimming along the edge and taking the little travelled 400 south all the way east to my school.
But...it's just like The Raven quoth, ya know?
Quoth the Raven, "Yer fucked, m'am."
Or something.
And so, I break free of the pavement and taillight prison and slip along my Redwood Road, all the way to 400 south, where I shoot through
neighborhoods and past the free dental clinic
(with its long lines on Wednesdays) which makes my heart constrict with conflict
ing emotions--
I'm glad it's available for those in need, but being exposed to the breadth of the neediness of some makes me wither, shiver, ache a little.
Then, if I'm not careful, I end up passing the Shelter, too.
Or the park, with its raggedy, smudgy cluster of people waiting for something good;
something tangible, something that arrives while I pass, but I don't catch the words on the trucky-vanny vehicle.
Food? Meds? Dunno.
(for once I titled this post after writing it. Usually I title them with the first thing that pops into my head, my jumping off point.)
My mania and I will amble along now.
I will go read an awesome book until it's time to cook dinner.
And maybe we will drive down to The U.C. to put some good dirt in the flowerbeds of the house we're (still) trying to sell.
They are laying carpet today, and the painters finished up last week, so with a few more finishing touches, it should be quite a little gem.
I'm sorry, one more thing--
have I mentioned the weather?
Nice and cool morning and evening, around 80-85 during the day.
Fuggin sweet.
As if this post wasn't long enough to kill a forest of trees already,
here's a shot of the newly framed PAINTING!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
For richer, for poorer--
Posted by
1:37 PM
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I don't recall ever seeing you this wound up. Fan-fucking-tastic, as you said. I'm delighted for you. I'm off now. Talk to you on my return.
Yes, it has been quite a while since I was this loquacious, hasn't it? Daaaaamn, but that was a long ole post!!
Anyone who made it this far deserves a prize. :)
I will take my prize in caash equivalent, please.
Cold, hard caaaaash, baby.
(Papering over a typo here...moving right along.)
it is so great to see you back, lisa...i was really wondering how the story would end, and it's nice to see it's far from over.
greetings from aspen...kick ass.
it was a long post....worth every word of it...btw.
you are even hotter in black
bruise me now will ya?
WHYDAY FRIDAY is on....even if I'm not.
todays post (in the bowl of me) spells it out.
So many questions, so little time, Jerry! Or something like that. :)
Oh, you know me, rich, I can't stay quiet for long! I was about due for a fresh start. Thanks for joining me!
I believe the cash equivalent for the prize is .0036 cents, Orange. Will you take a check?
Yes, I will take a check. And I will make your bank account take that fraction of a penny out of your account. You will have to take in into consideration when you balance your checkbook.
Or, to make it easy on yourself, you could just round it up to the nearest hundred dollars.
"I had to hit a bee." Love it! Now I can beat up the guys at work and blame it on our little honey-making friends!
Glad you're back, babe!
Thanks for the sweet newborn description. It makes me even more excited to meet my own newborn, whose arrival should be happening any minute now. I'm trying to be a good sport and patient and all that, but it's a challenge. I guess it will make me really appreciate labor when it finally arrives...
You are right, that was a long post with lots of subjects covered. As to the skiing, my main problem with it is that it is done in snow and where it is cold. I'd rather be in the deserts of the SW during winter and not high enough there to ever find snow. But it was fun when I was younger and worked for a little local company called K2.
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