Saturday, October 13, 2007

Black and Blue and glowing all over--

*Insert mischievous grin*

He traded his Harley for flying lessons...
he has some regrets about that,
but I said, "Don't be sad, beautiful boy, you traded flying over pavement for flying over air currents!"
"I never thought of it that way," he said. And then he smiled and told me again how amazed he was to have met someone
We started in the kitchen; I know because that's where our shirts were.
We paused for a while at the couch; I know because that's where our pants were.
And then we spent HOURS and hours...mmm...
It was like someone had put a spell on us--if we were touching we had to be fucking.
I am so sore, so bruised and raw but I still couldn't stop, and neither could he.
Then we slept a while and I woke, wondering if the spell had worn off, but then he reached out, eyes closed, and with relief said, "There you are..."
And we began again...
I'm really not sure when I've had That. Much. Sex. at once.
And we were still so hungry for each other.
I made him go because I have homework and housework and shopping...
He thinks he is in love, but I just smile.

...welcome back to Vintage Bored Housewife...
Sorry for anyone who wasn't expecting such (roll it) Rrrrr rated material on a rainy Saturday morning...
But this is my life, my blog, and goddammit I'M BACK!
(for limited engagements, buy tickets now!)


Tricia said...

OH! Oh....

Oh my.

Bud said...

And I'm delighted to see this. Didn't take long, did it?

Itchy said...

As if my 'mones aren't raging enough without reading this. Sheesh! ; )

Anonymous said...

Whew. Hot stuff, mama!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I remember that!!! Except it was 24 years ago and it wasn't you...LOL! I guess some things never change. ;)

richmanwisco said...

wait a second, i'm a pilot

wha? me?

is this your fantasy? or mine?


homina homina homina

wake up rich! wake up!

i think she's baaaaaack

Anonymous said...



Mona Buonanotte said...

Well yeehaw! Damn girl, you ARE back! Delicious!

Anonymous said...

i'm grinning right along with ya...

Lisa said...

I'm still starry-eyed and I'll be seeing him soon...not a fantasy, my friends: reality in all its raw beauty!!

Leesa said...

I love your pace when you write.

Thomas said...

Smiling @ you.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! When'd you meet this dream? Details, details! :-)